All orders received after 17th December will be shipped in January 2025


What we want you to know about our cubies ;)

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Did you know our power cubes are packed with all the good stuff?! Not only are they delicious, they are also nutritionally substantial and filled with natural quality ingredients that are good for you, your tum, your bum and your sceptical mum!       Raspberry Macadamia Power Cube Our Raspberry Cube is the perfect on-the-go snack that is loaded with almonds, macadamias, and raspberries. Our almonds and macadamias are locally sourced from Australia and they provide us with lots of health benefits. Almonds contain vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, as well as phytonutrients that support the growth of...

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At MMMORE, we think the best gift tastes good, feels good and does good.(Because isn’t it weird that we celebrate loved ones with junk food and bits and pieces destined for landfill?)

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Now there’s even less waste at MMMORE

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There’s no such thing as waste in the natural world. Anything ‘leftover’ is simply eaten up, broken down, and recirculated. Clever Mother Nature is all over closed loop systems.

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Surprise! We now make peanut butter and it’s magical.

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You’re marooned on a desert island with only three foods. What would they be? We love this game, probably because kicking back on a beach with unlimited snacks sounds like our idea of a good time. Some people go the healthy route: broccoli, chicken, papaya. Others opt for pure indulgence: camembert, sourdough, pinot noir (and yes, wine is food). However, there’s just one item we’d request on our tropical getaway: peanut butter. This perfect foodstuff is high in protein, brimming with healthy fats, bursting with antioxidants and shown to be just as cardioprotective as other ‘fancier’ nuts (even though peanuts...

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